Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Why Life is Worth Living...

My first, my oldest... she's a challenge and a gift all rolled into perfection. I love her so much it hurts. My Chick. Loving me in all my flaws.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Destination: Healer.

What will happen to the healers once everyone is healed?
In a time of great planetary transformation, great upheaval, great healing and ‘up-leveling’ we see more healers rising from their own ancestral memories, own archaic soul memories as healers. I am seeing more and more healing modalities pouring through humanity all the time. We are being given modalities for healing our DNA for integrating our higher expressions of self into the earth body, for healing past emotional trauma, healing and releasing past life trauma and karma, we are undergoing spiritual surgery, template level re-organization, we are witnessing the up-rising of the feminine, the healing of the collective feminine, and the shifting of culture.
If you are alive today, take heart. You are a warrior of the soul. You incarnated into this physical vehicle you call a body because you knew the beautiful thrill of this 4th dimensional existence and your soul knew and wanted a front seat for the amazing healing and transformation we are now beholding.
In the past, the village had one healer, or a few. And they would never call themselves the healer, they would never call themselves the shaman- only would they be called such a name by their community. But the time has call to call yourself. The time has come to claim your true identity, to name yourself. Yes, I am the healer. Yes, I am the shaman of my soul, ushering myself between dimensions, reclaiming the lost fragments of who I really am, altering my own state like a finely crafted dial on a beautiful physical mechanism holding my most precious of spirit. Take heart warrior spirit, you are the healer. You are every bit the healer.
You are now healing with sound, you are healing with food, you are speaking to the water, you are speaking to the earth, you are communicating with the elements, you are recognising your soul family who may not inhabit physical human forms, you are at one with the animals, you peer into your own eyes in the bathroom mirror and see the cosmos within yourself. Yes, you are the healer. And it is time. The time has come for you to step forth as the great healer of your own life, if you have not already, and to recognize yourself as such. To certify YOURSELF, which is a privilege no one else can have- only you can certify yourself and grant yourself the power of healing, for self and for others.
As we see humanity moving towards a collective population of healers, a culture of healers, a world of healers, the question arises, what is the fate for us? Will we be healers forever? Will our job one day end?
For light-workers and healers of all types, we are the spiritual equivalent of the volunteers who go and rescue the oil laden ducks after a poisonous devastating oil spill. We are on the front lines, we are in the thick of it. We are clearing out the darkest of distortions, the heaviest of self-loathing, the depths of despair and guilt, the greatest extent of having forgotten who we really are. As healers, by identifying ourselves as healers, as light-workers, we therefore tune ourselves into this reality, willingly, intentionally, volunteering to become a master artist, a master practitioner in the very medium itself of light. We chose this task, this creation, this story, this adventure, this remembering. We, through our love, through our hands, through our touch, through our modalities, through our intentions, our art, our life, we are literally conducting light through our own vessels into this plane to illuminate every point on this infinite grid of consciousness.
I have seen that the future of healing is also the past. You see, there was a time far in the past, but if you can allow yourself to understand, this construct of ‘past’ is also the future. Time is not linear, it is cyclical, and we are rounding a new resonance in this spiral. Yes, we are returning to our rightful place in existence- the place of our ancestors and the place of our descendants. One day the tide of pure light will, in a sense, completely tip and when it does, the distortion, the forgetfulness, the shame, the hindrance of the spirit, will be gone; And then what of the healers?
Once we have tuned fully into this, what will the healers then do? We will do what we have always done. We must understand that healing is not the fixing of something broken, it is the integration of the parts back into the whole. And this is the paradox, stop waiting. There is no waiting. There is no peak. Everything in creation is always expanding, infinitely expanding. There is only ever more healing to be had. And once the light is allowed to pour through un-restricted, we can be freed of our work with the sad energy of distortion.
How do we know this? We need look no further than the myriad of other races and civilizations throughout the universe to catch a glimpse of the imminent reality of more natural, expansive, and higher-vibrational ways of existing. Do you not think that the Sirians, the Arcturians, the Angelic realm, the Pleiadians, and so on, do you not think they themselves are also healers? Of course they are.
In the constant unfoldment and expansion of the universe, there is ALWAYS more. I repeat: there is ALWAYS MORE. There is always more expansion; there is always more healing in the sense that there is always more to discover and to integrate with the understanding that all the exotic far reaches of existence are still always parts of the self. “Healing does not happen by the denial of things but with the integration of things.”
The future of healing is pure creativity. The future of healing is play. The future of healing is exploration. The future of healing is the natural state of being in control of one’s reality and putting things out of balance just to put them back, just because you can. This is what humanity has long identified as ‘God’ or ‘Gods’, but it is your true nature as a facet of God.
Rest assured, in the future, which is the past, we as past Venusians, past Atlantians, past Mayans, past this that or whatever, we as HUMANS as spirits in whatever form will only ever find our role as healers ever more exciting, ever more artistic, ever more expansive and creative and necessary.
Rest assured warrior spirits, rest assured heart warriors, your time is never ‘coming’ your time is always now. You may give yourself permission to choose yourself. Every part of your being is necessary and profoundly perfect and we thank you for your light.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Numerology. .Birth Day Number 15

Your Birth Day number is 15

You are highly creative and artistic. You also have a gift for languages. No matter what you do as a profession, your love tends to be the arts, especially the visual arts, such as painting, calligraphy, or sculpture.

There is a yearning within you to ground within the family or community structure, but there is a hint of wanderlust, too, which makes grounding difficult. You want the best in your life, and you strive for it.

Commitment to relationships - especially home and marriage - is a central issue in your life. You must be willing to bring out the best in your partner, or the place you live. In the same way, you must truly commit to your own abilities - make the most of them! Honor your talent and cultivate it with hard work and refinement.

You are very sensitive. Criticism has a very negative effect on you.

For this reason, you tend to support others to the point of denying yourself.

You want to live according to the Golden Rule, which is that you treat others as you would want to be treated.

You are generous and understanding. As a parent, you are devoted to your children and can maintain stability and love within the family.

You tend to be demonstrative in your affections. You are responsible but keep your own counsel and make your own decisions.

You probably look young for your age. 
In addition to your artistic talent, you possess sound business and financial instincts.

You tend to be thorough and conscientious in your approach to business, traits that pay off in the long run.

You must beware of becoming too soft in relationships. People can see you as an easy mark, or abuse your well-worn shoulder, upon which many tears have been shed. Be more than a willing ear.

You have considerable talent as a healer, but need to develop the actual tools of the healing vocation in order to truly help others.

You are multi-talented and with focus and determination, you have great potential for success.