Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Old Souls - Count Me In

An old soul is a special person – one who lives life a little bit differently. To put it simply, an old soul is one that has reincarnated many times, as opposed to a younger, fresher soul that may be walking this Earth for the first time ever.

Old souls tend to have different attitudes, habits, temperaments and frankly, they’re just old at heart. Because of this, old souls tend to have pretty universal problems in life.

Old souls love spending time alone.

Old souls tend to be more introverted than their younger counterparts. They find strength in solitude and are often very comfortable with themselves.

As a result, they may not enjoy doing things like hitting the bars or going clubbing. This is one area where old souls seem “boring” to younger ones, but they don’t feel boring.

Old souls attract people.

Old souls often attract people to them for their wisdom and good humor, but often times, the consequence of that is that their energies are drained. Old souls tend to be extremely empathic people, meaning lots of attention and interaction tends to drain them.

Old souls tend to be loners.

Old souls like developing meaningful relationships with people.

As a result, you won’t likely see them going to a rager of a party.

Instead, they prefer one on one interactions or small groups of friends together.

They prefer to spend their energy building a tight knit circle.

Old souls are forgiving.

Old souls don’t hold grudges. They realize that staying mad and holding grudges is like drinking a poison and expecting the other person to get a tummy ache. They realize that we’re all connected, we’re all one, and that by being forgiving, they raise the vibration of the world.

Old souls are easy going people.

Sadly, this is one feature of old souls that lets them get taken advantage of the most.

Old souls aren’t usually controlling and mostly they just want to see folks having a good time.

This makes them easy targets of energy vampires and narcissists.

Their decisions aren’t often taken seriously.

Old souls have a powerful intuition, built up over tens or hundreds, maybe even thousands of lives lived since the beginning of mankind.

Their intuition is sharp and they make informed decisions based on it. Some of those decisions may seem to make absolutely no sense, but old souls rely on something beyond simple logic.

There are a lot of differences between young souls and old souls, but always remember that everyone has value, no matter the age of their soul.

❤❤❤❤Treat everyone with respect and we can shift the vibration of the world.❤❤❤❤❤

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Craving Behind The Craving - It's Spiritual

Addiction is a spiritual disease. It is a thirst, quench, hunger, or starvation for some type of fulfillment or wholeness in a person’s life. People who become addicted to something or another either have an initial void of spirituality, a innate higher drive for a spiritual connection, or a combination of the two.

When listening to many speakers over the years it is quite apparent that the first time the person uses their drug of choice, it significantly alters their consciousness to the point that addiction is inevitable.

People who become addicted certainly share the same behavior in indulging in alcohol and drugs that help fill their spiritual void. The craving behind the craving refers to looking beyond the desire to use the drug, but rather the desire of the spiritual connection.

In an unofficial collegiate study, a graduate student surveyed about 200 people including students, professors, and staff in regards to the reasons why they use alcohol. The student provided a checklist of ten reasons why the person uses and they could check off however many applied. The results showed that 100-percent of the people in the survey checked off the box marked, “I like the feeling.” Every single person that drinks alcohol does so because they like the feeling. Which made me dig deeper into examining exactly what is this feeling that everyone craves?

Using personal experience along with talking with others that are actively using or in early recovery, we came up with a list of our own in describing the feeling of being drunk or being high:

1. Everything makes sense / I just get it……………………………….…(Moment of clarity)
2. I just relax and not worry about all the stressors of life………(Inner peace)
3. Everything is better – food, people, jokes, experiences…….(Euphoria)

4. I understand people better / love for everyone………………..(Interconnection/oneness)
5. Not worried about minor things / Content in moment….….(Being present)
6. Freedom from self-criticism and anxiety …………..……………..(True self)
7. No judgments about anyone……………………………………………..(Unconditional love)

In reviewing the list, you see that it is the exact same feelings of a spiritual moment. This proves it is not the drug we are craving, we are craving the feeling the drug provides. The drug is just a tool to help us reach that spiritual connection.

If I am dehydrated, I am going to drink water or fluids that help replenish what missing. If I am starving, I am going to eat some food that brings energy and life back into my body to restore what was missing. If I am spiritually starving, and have not yet identified that unfulfilled need, I am likely to indulge in a drink, a joint, or a pill that will temporarily revitalize all these things that have been depleted.

Emotional/Intellectual Honesty

I think I've finally found the description of what I've been meaning to describe as the most damaging one can do to self and in turn others, when not in tune with these type of emotions.

It is what essentially causes PEOPLE TO HURT OTHER PEOPLE.

Emotional Honesty

Emotional Honesty is our capacity to consciously feel our true feelings, our true emotions, as we experience them in our body.

Intellectual Honesty

Intellectual honesty aids emotional honesty by helping us make sure that what we base our beliefs on, and therefore our responses, is true.

Intellectual honesty therefore helps us to be more emotionally honest. If we are not intellectually honest, if we don’t discover the facts of our predicament, we can generate emotions that are not appropriate in the context of external reality. If we then act on these emotions, even by expressing them, then we run the very likely risky result of doing violence onto others and creating suffering because the external world is likely not deserving of our reaction — which, had we been more patient and intellectually honest about the facts of a situation, we could have avoided.

***Reciprocally, BEING ABLE TO FEEL our true feelings and work through painful ones helps us assess reality more honestly. It can also make or break any marriage or serious relationship. ***

If we are not emotionally honest then we will be less intellectually honest because we’ll have unconscious emotions governing our decisions, opinions, and thoughts. This is based on some interesting science, which I mention just below. This affects us and those around us. We are  more prone to acting out our pain onto others via the maxim, “hurt people hurt others.”

It happens so much more than we take time to think about. And, in my experience, did not understand this soon enough to be able to salvage such damaging outcomes of long term relationships.

I had been in a very difficult 13 year marriage where subconscious hurt feelings were brought forth into the relationship, unresolved, thus causing one to project anger, frustration, and hurt onto the other person. This is essentially damaging, and, what has to be realized here is that what one carries can cause the other to take on blame, unnecessary verbal attacks and slander which really has nothing to do with them in the first place. It becomes a home with now two very disconnected people who have attempted to love, do not know what to do with their feelings, and certainly could not reciprocate love in the manner to which both were just not capable of doing together.



Modern neuroscience informs us that most of our decisions and beliefs are emotionally driven. For this reason, emotional honesty, and emotional process work to heal and reduce our painful feelings, is crucial for intellectual honesty.

In other words, many people won’t be intellectually honest, not because the facts are obscure, but because they don’t want to believe the truth due to a fear of feeling pain, even if it’s the death of their illusions. So, if we can accept that “the truth hurts,” and adjust accordingly, we stand to be more intellectually honest, more in alignment with reality, and ultimately more productive, effective, joyful, and helpful. These positives usually come after we make peace with the truth, become more grounded, and adjust our lives appropriately.

In one sense, all of our feelings are true because they exist. However, just because we feel something, doesn’t mean that what we assume from our feelings is true.

For example, because I feel upset at you doesn’t mean that you deserve it or that you actually did anything to justify my upset.

To find out if my interpretation of my feeling is accurate, I can exercise critical thinking to find out if what I believe about what upset me is true. If I find out you didn’t eat the half a watermelon I was saving and I just missed seeing it in the back of the fridge (which, if you know me, is utterly likely!), then my feeling, while true for me, was not true in its assumption and projection onto you.

I want to mention a point about emotional healing - in the context of emotional honesty.
If we haven’t done some core emotional wound work, we really can’t be as loving as we’d like because when our buttons are constantly pushed we tend to shut-out what triggered us, thus limiting our outreach, our love in action. ********************************

What’s more, dealing intimately with our own heartaches fosters compassion and empathy in us for others that suffer (which is everyone). When we can accept our own pain and wade through our griefs until they run clear, then we can extend our love to a world that suffers.

****When we don’t do this personal work, we miss a lot of suffering because when external painful events trigger our unconscious pain we haven’t dealt with, we tend to defend against it and tune it out. *****

Just as we can’t heal without intellectual honesty, without emotional honesty we also can’t heal because we don’t know what we are feeling. Emotional dishonesty, therefore, shows up as a disconnect both from feeling our feelings and being conscious of them.

Indeed, intellectual and emotional dishonesty are SERIOUS coping mechanisms that allow us to keep doing what we are doing, even if it is violent, cruel, selfish, and breeds unhappiness. Both allow us to deny reality and make a mess of our lives and the planet. They prevent us from waking up and from real transformation.

Such people perhaps don’t realize that goodness and abundance can be found honestly and that alleviating isn’t achieved by ignorance but by embracing it, so that ***violence is prevented and love in action is promoted.***

Our experience and awareness of both our intellect and feelings must therefore be as honest as possible to maximize emotional healing, and ultimately our spirituality. If they are not — which is likely because we have come to convince ourselves that aspects of our false self, including its many beliefs, are true — then hopefully we do have just enough honesty and intelligence, courage and care, to begin to notice where we are not being honest in both heart and mind.

This begins a spiral up rather than down into more delusion and suffering, so we can more readily unravel our false sense of self in order to allow our better humanity to emerge. This true sense of self is not only the absence of heal-able heartache and all its dark spots inside us, but our full-functioning self imbued with the inner psycho-spiritual riches, what I call our Finer Jewels of Being Human, that we rescue from clearing out our hearts.

Let’s consider an example to illustrate intellectual and emotional honesty so far.

Say a blogger says, “I love animals,” and it turns out that he also eats meat. What a hypocrite, right? Especially if you’re an animal rights activist, as I am, right? Well, many jump to this conclusion without thinking it through, thereby creating the very violence they are railing against. This is a perfect example of what is often the projection and displacement of one’s own disowned violence.

Applying critical thinking, we can deduce that maybe there is a good reason that he eats meat. And, maybe he isn’t happy about it either. But we’d have to ask some questions first to become intellectually informed.

For example, it’s possible that he does love animals and it might also be possible that he needs to eat meat to sustain his health. In fact, upon further discovery we find out that he can’t digest vegetable protein (a real-life problem for some people), so meat is his mainstay. So, he can both love animals and eat meat without being a hypocrite.

However, it may also pain him some to eat meat from animals that he loves.

Now, if this fellow is intellectually honest he would need to verify through self-reflection that indeed he loves animals. To be intellectually honest about this he would have to also be emotionally honest and allow himself to feel his love for animals. He would also have to admit by way of intellectual honesty that killing animals doesn’t support his love of them.

His intellectual honesty would also acknowledge that he eats animals not because he wants to promote their killing, but because he needs to in order to get protein that he can digest. Yet, regardless of these facts, he might still feel badly, and rather than shut out those feelings because he is justified, further emotional honesty allows him to feel any sadness, remorse, and guilt as a result of his need and actions.

Eventually, through some process around this, he might come to a natural resolve without having had to deny aspect of his heart and mind. Indeed, this is how real growth happens, honestly. We have to struggle with things some, and if struggling for difficult truths in mind and heart is too tough for you, the option to believe dishonest spiritual slogans to live in a bliss bubble of magical beliefs and denial can be just as diminishing, if not more so.

Now, if you were one to jump all over this meat-eating, animal-loving blogger guy, would you also be able to be intellectually honest enough — by not letting your own ego get the best of you — to correct yourself, maybe even apologize? Would you be emotionally honest enough to feel and be with any remorse, sadness, and self-disappointment that came up in yourself, and be able to learn and grow from it?

These same dynamics of self-correction are what would also allow major corporations to admit they are wrong, to see they do violence, to change their ways. It’s only reasonable that we should set the example, right? We can each day with ourselves, with our family, and with the land — through our actions. This is honest, grounded spirituality in action.


I want to thank Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H., contributing Writer for Wake Up World for this article, to which I've added in my own experiences into it that relate so very much to the cause of my past pain and suffering, which was unnecessary had I understood this.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


We are AWAKE because we are strong !

We are AWAKE because we can bear the burden !

We are AWAKE because our life experiences have lead us to this moment !

We are AWAKE because we are love !

Our beast of burden is being awake. It’s torturous and hard to take No rhyme or reason does it all make When everything we hold dear is at stake?  

The intuits, the seers, the artists, the poets...The writers, the empaths that critically think Who discard the garbage media, poisoned food, fluoridated drink...That can see the Titanic sink ?

We reject the theft of our bodies and of our souls -  No nano fibres, no smart dust, no mind control...

Time and experience has sliced open.  the Awakened Ones To life’s brutal reality -

The duality Of goodness and light Fighting cowardly evil that’s out of sight...  Like HAARP tearing open our Mother Ripping her innards Her innards are our own - We feel her groans.

 The Chemtrails that smother,  Stop harming our Mother! The Awakened are Mother’s Nepalese Sherpas,

 We carry her bags, she is battered, she is ill We will not lay still While predators try and kill Her…. 

 For those who sleep,  Not a peep .The silence they keep-  The entrenched stance of denial so deep ...

Tacit compliance Perpetuates the violence - We need brass balls Or nothing will matter at all !

We will have no breath which to intake, Pennies for redemption,  Too late to make -

  Everything we cherish Will perish,   Silent calling People are falling,  Our lost Blue Heaven….

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dear Ordinary Human...(PLEASE READ)

You may have believed the fairy-tale that life is a constant struggle to get what you want, in a continuous state of  neediness, all the while trying hard to tame your inner wild creature, in order to fit into a normalized (or may I suggest, bastardized?) society.

You may have even successfully adapted to this Matrix and feel like you have somehow “made it” — into an imaginary hierarchy of worthy humans, usually measured by the amount of objects they possess and how far on the materialistic hall of fame they have advanced.  But Truth is a resilient warrior and it keeps crashing into us at the most inconvenient times. It knocks — gentle, smart, motherfucker and firm, at the door of our delusion.

It’s easier to hear its voice early in the morning, before the world wakes up to dim your vision — or late at night, when you can’t sleep with so much unattended demon growling in the closet. And it’s uncomfortable. Can’t even use a pillow. 

Truth pushes you down the stairs of your perception and locks you in the basement of your heart, and in that brief five desperate minutes, between the darkness and the dawn, suspended over everything you wish for and everything you think you are, you get dim flashlights of a life you’ve never tasted, but then why does it feel more real than this one? 

This is one of your many first encounters with your abnormal, extraordinary, truest nature. The Person, Living Breath that came before the Thing, the Subject born before the Object.  Awakening to your true nature is like a gentle hurricane. You have no idea where it started or how it found you — you just wake up one day in the burning heart of paradox, and realize that you are not a mere guardian or administrator of your life, but your own Co-Founder, CEO and Chief Executive Creator. 

And you can make things come and go, appear and disappear, fly or stay. Nobody, nothing owns you anymore. Superhero science has taught me this: Entire universes fit comfortably inside our skulls. Not just one or two but endless universes can be packed into that dark, wet, and bony hollow without breaking it open from the inside. The space in our heads will stretch to accommodate them all. 

The real doorway to the fifth dimension was always right here. Inside. That infinite interior space contains all the divine, the alien, and the unworldly we’ll ever need.

— Grant Morrison

 The reason why we’re fascinated with superheroes is because they are a metaphor of our own selves. Everything  we love and  hate is a reflection of something we already are — in fact or in potential. Our brain is incapable of taking in that which it cannot comprehend. In order to understand anything, anyone — from the simplest concept to the most complicated person — you first need to “make it yours.” 

Every cognition is but a re-cognition. Every thought is in part an appropriation. Every You is already a bit me Me and every Me is, in part, You.

So, when we become acquainted with the life-altering truth that we are connected to the creative motor of the universe, that we’ve been given a brief piece of living canvas to leave our unique footprint on, and that we are in fact the saviors we’ve been waiting for, here’s what the trailer of our lifetime movie sounds like: 

In an ordinary, worn-out world that worships plastic, nature-killing things over heart-beating creation; that crowns flesh puppets with absurd, meaningless, made up titles which somehow give them the right to control our reality, redistribute our natural wealth and misuse our personal power… 

In a world that bows and pledges superficial allegiance to psycho alien robot icons that pass for people — scrolling itself to sleep on pixel pills, seduced by brain-washed entertainment, addicted to life-altering mutant “food”…

In this seemingly hopeless, agonizing world, an ordinary group of  people with extraordinary powers will rise to rage against decay, and jump off the cliffs of insanity with creativity as their only parachute. They will refuse to support the soul-sucking Matrix with their time, effort, money, mind, voice and dreams. Instead, they’ll reimagine and rebuild a world that doesn’t need to be controlled or saved, seduced or manipulated.

Because, just like them, it will run on its own intrinsic power to create, and the belief that yes, they can.  And by the way, there’s nothing you can do to stop them… but you might find it hard not to become them.  Now playing at your local mental theater.To watch, click on your eyes. 

And here are the top superpowers we, Homo Creative Sapiens, have just realized were ours since the beginning of the world, which we can use both ways, in peaceful self-defense, as well as to creatively rebuild a life that doesn’t run on death. The following list is just an excerpt, quoted from our Superhero Manual I managed to get my hands on, to aid with this investigation.

For a more comprehensive version, check with your Higher Self.

1. The Power of Awareness. 

Open your eyes. Look at yourself. Notice the world around you. Observe life. Study aliveness. Breathe in your raw, individable essence. Stare at a wall until you find a way through or around it. Your full presence is the only state in which you can accomplish anything worthwhile.

2. The Power of Choice. 

You don’t work for anyone other than your higher self. Other hierarchies are just imitation. Slavery begins in the mind and it consists in choosing to believe that you have no choice. Choice is the on/off button of our power. Every second of our life is really, just a choice to live it one way or another. There is no ultimate reality. We choose that reality time after time, based on one belief or another, which we also have the power to choose or un-choose. The molten lava at the heart of life is nothing but raw energy. It’s up to us the way we let it burn us.

3. The Power of Originality. 

Whatever you do, “there’s no one you-er than you.” So don’t try to be Batman if you were bitten by a spider. Your ultimate power resides precisely in being faithful to your own essence. You can only touch the extraordinary with your own fingerprints. Don’t compare yourself to other superheroes. If you are here, it means there was a universal demand for you. Scientifically speaking you are as improbable as it gets. This type of alignment doesn’t just happen. You are the universe expressing itself in a unique, unrepeatable way. You haven’t happened before and you will never happen again. Don’t underestimate yourself. You are not a rehearsal.

4. The Power of Purpose. 

We are meaning-making machines. We have the extraordinary ability to create purpose (and pretty much everything else) out of raw energy. And this purpose generates meaning, and this meaning helps us make sense of our life, and it connects us to the whole and helps us realize how we fit in the bigger picture, along with other superheroes. And  this power can be used as a flashlight too, when crawling through our darkest tunnels, because what won’t kill us, will help us generate in turn, more purpose, meaning and more reasons to create. So what’s your manifesto?

5. The Power of Honesty. 

This is a tough one, dear Hero, because it runs on courage. You can’t face your own truth and as a result save yourself, let alone others, without the courage to see yourself for what you are, in both your glory and your misery, your darkness and your light, the entire, indivisible whole equation of You. Look in the mirror. Put your demons on the table. Love what you see and use it all to your benefit.

6. The Power of Spirit. 

You don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. There are all kinds of faith to match each and every superhero in us. The point is, find your god. Whatever it is, whatever form it comes in, find your holy ground. It must be greater than you, enough to make you fall down on your knees and weep and be in awe, and realize you’re great but small, and you cannot survive even one day without the greater power running through your veins. There’s vulnerability in Spirit. And there’s Spirit in you. Don’t let cynicism eat you alive. It’s when Spirit is free to move through you that miracles are free to happen.

7. The Power of Beauty. 

Superheros don’t dig this one. During the first years of following their call, they love to wear masks. They think they’re being cautious and protective of their mission, but really, they’re afraid. Greatness is worse than ghosts. It scares the shit out of our people. This is every superhero’s weakness — not kryptonite or anti-heroes — but their own beauty. I know you are embarrassed to even say the word out loud. I wish you understood that beauty saves. Authentic beauty awakens the beauty in others. I wish you removed your plastic face and showed me both, your dead scars and your glory. We are liberated by contemplating our magical reflection in other imperfect mirrors. Your not-enoughness might be good enough for me.

8. The Power of Healing. 

You are your own doctor. You’d think this would be obvious by now, but so often Superheroes like us, doubt their own powers and rely on superficial charlatans, gadgets or artifacts to save them from themselves. A true healer helps you heal yourself. And you do so by first becoming aware of that Self (go back to #1 — all roads lead back to Rome). Sickness (of mind and body and spirit) doesn’t happen by chance. It’s not natural — health and aliveness are. So if you’re sick the first thing you should look for is the cause, not kill the symptoms. Your pain is a messenger. Don’t silence it. Instead, stare back into the darkness and fix the real problem. You already come equipped with this self-healing superpower. Your body knows exactly what to do. You just need to give it the space and time it needs to get itself together. Just remember the Bullshit Test for Healers found on page 1,943 of our Superhero Manual: Whoever guides you along your road to healing, must, in the same breath, guide you back to yourself. Ultimately, only you can switch yourself back to life. 

9. The Power of Resilience.

 You can’t give up on something that your heart is still rooting for, no matter how hard the fall is. Your heart is your ultimate master. It knows the things the mind doesn’t yet have an answer for. It leads the way out of your darkest moments. It’s your one and only Chief of Staff. You are built to thrive under any circumstances as long as you use your heart as the compass. You’re not a victim, not even a survivor, you’re a creator, damnit.

10. The Power of Creativity. Creativity is your operating system. It’s a free app that came with your original superhero software. It’s your intrinsic individual ability to face and respond to the uncertainty and mysteries of life, your essential human birthright, your fuel for rebelling against decay, your irregular heartbeats and your mind’s engine. It is the basic force of life, right after love. You are creatively responsible for the effective use of all your other superpowers.

11. The Power of Love. Yes: L O V E !!!💕

 “At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say that real revolutionaries are guided by a great feeling of love,” said once El Che Guevara. "All your superpowers are worthless without kindness. If you can’t see the God in others, it means you’ve missed it in yourself."

Love is perhaps the first and foremost superpower. We like to leave it for the end, so we remember. Love is the most primordial revolution of the spirit. It’s the first breath of life, our first true state of being. It saves, mostly because it is the only element in the universe that exists in and of itself. Everything else has a reason, a point, a purpose, a plan to get your Superhero ass from A to B. Love’s ultimate reason is “Because.” 

Unlike all the other superpowers you’ve been gifted, love is the only one that has no possible logical explanation or whose deepest essence cannot answer to Why. “It believes all things, hopes for all things, waits for all things and endures all things.” (1 Corinthians 13).

 Do you know when exactly you stop being a child and sweep your superpowers under the rug of disbelief? The moment you cease to believe that you are loved and as such, capable of anything. They call this sad realization adulthood, but really, it’s just death, disguised as seriousness… Your inner child understands that life — which runs on love and feasts on creativity — is on your side, and the whole universe conspires with you, not against you, to help you spread that wild, messy, crazy love through your own story. I say it’s time to realize that our inner superhero hopeful child never died, and he or she still owns powers more useful and life-changing than flying or shooting spiderweb around. Powers that, if understood, practiced and used, can shatter our stagnant perception of a victimized reality and help us re-create ourselves from the inside out. 

In any case, dear Extraordinary and Abnormal Human Thing with Eyes,  The point is that you’re needed, wanted, missed on Earth… I’m just a wordy messenger they sent to ask you to put your cape back on and come the hell back home.   {HOMO CREATIVE SAPIENS}    

Follow your heart:


The 9 Veils Placed on EVERY Human Soul

The 9 Veils Placed On Every Human Soul  in5d in 5d
Nearly a decade ago, a dear friend and colleague of mine named Don Harkins authored a wonderfully thought-provoking piece entitled “Slavery and the Eight Veils”. Prior to Harkins’ untimely death, we discussed this “Eight-veils theory” for literally hours together – and in the end, Don asked me to write a piece about this for his newspaper, “The Idaho Observer.”  He did this, because I had shared much of my research with Don, and we together came to the conclusion that in reality, there were actually NINE veils placed on the human soul (i.e. intelligence), and that spiritual progression and thus a full knowledge of TRUTH would require the piercing of these Nine Veils.
I joked with Don that this topic would take an entire edition of The Idaho Observer, and then it would only scratch the surface.  That was one of Don’s editorial talents – taking a complex story and compressing it to a more readable format.   In memory of Don Harkins, here is the writing we discussed, in as compressed a format as possible.
Any dedicated seeker of truth eventually stumbles upon the incredible symmetry and structure of mathematics, which is especially true in fractal geometry involving the integers 1-9.  For a most basic example, just take a look at these nine equations:
(1 x 8) + 1= 9
(12 x 8) + 2 = 98
(123 x 8) + 3 = 987
(1234 x 8) + 4 = 9876
(12345 x 8) + 5 = 98765
(123456 x 8) + 6 = 987654
(1234567 x 8) + 7 = 9876543
(12345678 x 8) + 8 = 98765432
(123456789 x 8) + 9 = 987654321
Amazing, isn’t it?  I find it very interesting, furthermore, that all of the great philosophers in history such as Archimedes, Copernicus, Socrates, and DaVinci all were mathematicians first and foremost.   I submit that everything from biblical prophecy to DNA strands are built and based on quite simple mathematical formulas and patterns – but I am getting ahead of the story, for understanding the role of mathematics is in itself one of the nine hidden veils.
Consider also the so-called “mystery schools” of antiquity.  In shadowy temples in Sumer and Babylon – the Kabbalah showed the way to the ultimate “Holy of Holies” – the re-veil-a-tions (revelation, i.e. the parting of the veils) of life, the creation, of God and when embraced in honor and truth, the very Origins of Man.  This involved systematically piercing and embracing 9 levels of understanding or “Truth Plateaus” before finally entering “Nirvana” (or the ultimate unity with God) as depicted in modern “tracing boards”.
Like a giant Sudoku Puzzle board, the human experience we call life truly revolves around the numbers 1 – 9 in so many remarkable ways.  Everything has a place in the system, and everything fits neatly and precisely in the eternal grid of time and space.  This then, is but one definition of Truth – hidden, arcane knowledge that fits completely in the mathematical grid called logic.  Yeshua (aka Jesus of Nazareth) declared this to His disciples: “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.”
This question is best answered by Don Harkins’ wise words written in 2001:
“Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth — even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples´ inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don´t want to see” what is really going on.
Extremely evil men and women who make up the world´s power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears.
The same people who cannot see their enslavement for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” those of us who can see the past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal lordship´s castle.
Finally, I understand why.
It´s not that those who don´t see that their freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the power-elite “don´t want to see it” — they simply can´t see what is happening to them because of the unpierced veils that block their view.
All human endeavors are a filtration process. Sports are one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each spring, they are filtered out until there are about 50 guys who go to the World Series in October.
Behind the first veil: There are over 7 billion people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil.”
Indeed it can be said that less than 1% of the world’s 7 billion humans ever pierce all nine veils, and it would appear that even this small minority is ever-shrinking.  In order to keep the “virtual pasture” green, the global elite also successfully bribe many who have pierced multiple veils, in order to misdirect others who may be approaching truth in many areas.  I call this simply intellectual prostitution – selling the birthright of Universal Truth for a worthless mess of pottage.  The gilded glitz of wealth, fame and social elevation have seduced many a gifted intellectual.
With full credit given to Don Harkins, here now are the newly updated “Nine Veils”.  in5d in 5d
With full credit given to Don Harkins, here now are the newly updated “Nine Veils”.
The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, become active and develop an opinion. Our opinions will be shaped by the physical world around us; we will have been “conditioned” from our days in public education to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are the primary voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
The second veil: Ten percent of us will also pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
The third veil: Ten percent of those who pierce the second veil, will eventually pierce the third veil to conclusively find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the entire world´s economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.
The fourth veil: Ten percent will then pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati,Freemasonry, and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.
The fifth veil: Ten percent will progress to pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the very thoughts and even the very actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed.  As in the days of Noah, this technology is even creating synthetic life forms, as man seeks to displace God.  Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.
The sixth veil: Ten percent will progress to pierce the sixth veil where we learn the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real indeed and are in reality the actual controlling forces behind the secret societies uncovered in the fourth veil. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.
The seventh veil: Ten Percent will progress to pierce the 7th veil where the incredible world offractal geometry and the universal law of numbers will be fully understood and embraced.  The creative force of the entire universe will be shown to be linked to numerical code formulas and sequences, and all “mysteries” including the very fabric of time, space, parallel universes, and access therein is unlocked.  Those whose intellects allow them to pierce the seventh veil often succumb to the lure and promise of massive wealth offered by the ruling elite, and thus over ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the eighth veil.
The eighth veil: Piercing the eighth veil reveals God and the pure energy known as LOVE that is the pure life force in all living things – which are one and the same.  Deep-seated Humility is needed in order to ever pierce this veil.
The ninth veil: Piercing the ninth veil means perfecting the pure energy known as love and thereby becoming truly one with God and His/Her formulations.  By perfecting this pure energy, one then fully embraces charity and therein gains full understanding of the universal plan of sacrifice, death, and redemption; life itself then becomes complete and one truly comes full circle and looks at the world through the eyes of an innocent child, yet with the deepest wisdom born of pure LOVE from the eighth veil.
Consider this: If this theory is correct, there are only about 60,000 people on the planet who have successfully pierced the sixth veil. The irony here is too incredible: Those who are stuck behind veils one through five have little choice but to view the people who have pierced the veils beyond them as dangerously insane. With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinkingnumbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasingmasses of decreasingly enlightened people.
Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can’t, the more insane he appears to them.  This truth is self-evident.  Moreover, institutions such as the venerable “Southern Poverty Law Center” are formed and financed by the ruling elite to effectively label many such awakened individuals “hate-mongers” and “terrorists”.
Behind the first two veils we find the great majority of people on the planet. They are tools of the state: Second veilers are the gullible voters whose ignorance justify the actions of politicians who send untold millions of first veilers off to die in foreign lands as cannon fodder — their combined stations in life are simply to believe that the self-serving machinations of the power-elite are matters of national security and are worth dying for.
Third, fourth, fifth and sixth veilers are of increasing liability to the state because of their decreasing ability to be used as tools to consolidate power and wealth of the many into the hands of the power-elite few. It is common also, for these people to sacrifice more of their relationships with friends and family, their professional careers and personal freedom with each veil they pierce.

Tools of Great Clarity

The following websites and books I give thanks for.

Validating my experiences was the backbone for me to share,  and know what was true, and what had to change to direct my life elsewhere. 

It has not been easy. If it had,  no lesson was to be learned.



Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Cosmic Marriage: Why So Many traditional marriages fail

Your true partner has already been decided; it is set above. It is already a commitment, without even knowing, it is an event set to happen by you.  The cosmos knows. Your soul knows. Your gut instinct knows. You have been partners many lifetimes before. There is nothing ‘ new’, it feels like you have been married a hundred times before. The other person knows what to say or not say, to evolve the process.

You will always come back to each other, or stick together in some way because of the enormous magnetic pull to each other. As they say in the movie Avatar:

 ‘ I see you’. Those words are more than ‘I love you’.

The words have many more dimensions behind it. ‘I see your soul.’ I love your soul, with all aspects that goes with it. Everything. The whole package. – This is the ‘I see you’. Many people do not find it appealing anymore, to marry the traditional ways. We say vows we do not feel in the heart, sign a ‘contract’ for an institute and spend a lot of money on a sacred ceremony that transcends the need for material.

Relationships of the Past

There is a time and place for everything. You cannot change someone’s feelings, and you cannot ‘ make it work’, when it has already been broken and the other person is not fighting for love. It takes two to Tango, It is a lover’s dance…

What you have found from your past marriages/relationships is that what you are attracted to in a person isn't what you ultimately live with. After the honeymoon is over — after the desire systems that were dormant in the relationship that have the attraction in it pass and all of it passes — then you are left with the work to do. 

And its the same work. When you trade in one partner for another, you still have the same work. You're going to have to do it sooner or later when the pizzazz is over. And it just keeps going over and over. And you can't milk the romanticism of relationship too long as you become more conscious. (TRUTH) It's more interesting than that. It really is. 

And people keep wanting to romanticize their lives all the time. part of the culture. But the awakening process starts to show you the emptiness of that forum.  And you start to go for something deeper. You start to go to meet another human being in truth. And truth is scary. Truth has bad breath at times; truth is boring; truth burns the food; truth is all the stuff. Truth has anger; truth has all of it.And you stay in it and you keep working with it and your keep opening to it and you keep deepening it. Every time you trade in a partner, you realize that there's no good or bad about it. 

I'm not talking good or bad about this. But you begin to see how you keep coming to the same place in relationships, and then you tend to stop. Because it gets too heavy. 

Because your identity gets threatened too much. For the relationship to move to the next level of truth requires an opening and a vulnerability that your not quite ready to make And so you entrench, you retrench, you pull back and then you start to judge and push away and then you move to the next one.

 And then you have the rush of the openness and then the same thing starts to happen.   And so you keep saying..Where am I going to find the one when this doesn't happen?  

And it will only happen when it doesn't happen IN YOU. IT NO LONGER DOES. When you start to take in and watch the progress happening, and get quiet enough inside yourself, so you can take that process as it's happening and start to work with it. ...and keep coming back to living truth in yourself or the other person even though its scary and hard to see them eye to eye at the point of your transformation.


Someone who does not want to be in their power (commitment to themselves) will
never be able to commit to you.
On the road of your past relationships and affairs, you learned who you are,  what you need to shine, bloom, blossom and stay strong in a world, that has so many challenges.

You learned about your personality and your ego-aspects. You learned how to be a strong person, and how to make a future partner a powerful and strong person by the vibration you are able to send in a connection based on Truth. That is how you love in a way that makes the other person stronger, not weaker.Your reflection – Meeting yourself. 

When you find someone, who is true to their own soul,  who has taken all the time, to find out their own pains, heals them self, and created the strength to get out of it… They are able to commit to you.

They need to be true to their ESSENCE. And that takes wisdom, soul searching, falling down and standing up. When you are committed to yourself, because you have seen both the darkest and the lightest places, you are able to ‘ see’ your reflection in someone else.

When you feel a partner is living from the heart, and loves themselves, you will not have a fear-based relationship. For instance, your partner can be in a room with twenty beautiful other people or they can travel the world without you. You can let him have thousands of friends and you just have ‘ peace and trust’, because you know the commitment is from the heart.

It is a divine connection. You both have rest/stillness and calm, NOT a fear-based relation. You can have your own travel, your own path, and yet…. You know the path of your loved one, is right next to yours. You can sit back, and breathe. When you have peace and rest with a partner, it is, because you feel you can trust this person. And you know you can trust yourself.

                                     ISN'T THAT BEAUTIFUL??? 

Marriage without a True Heart Connection

So many traditional marriages ‘ break’ because it is not a relationship based on a heart connection. It is not based on a true soul-travel. It is based on outside factors like social standards. Things like money, safety, and a longing for someone to make you feel whole are some are the main reasons we rush to get married. I've done it. And it was all wrong. In all the ways I describe here.

Marriage - - It’s an act of proving that you love someone, that you’re really committed, when isn’t just loving them enough? Why do we need to prove that our love is real? It should be obvious to all who look.

Most people struggle with the idea of self-love and how it is to feel safety INside themselves. When you are able to give yourself attention, feed yourself with soul-food, love, and fulfillment: You do not need to find love externally. It is always existing inside you already.

Darkness dissolves in The Light of Love

The energy of the heart is so strong, much more powerful than the power of the mind. We don’t give it the credit it truly deserves. In a cosmic marriage, all the ‘ unseen’ and dark places hidden deep in the heart will appear in the light of love. Darkness will always peak in the heights of ‘ being in love’. Love is the highest vibration. Darkness is a much lower vibration.

If someone loves you truly, all the unseen aspect will come up for they are showing you what you can change. Just breath, walk, sing, dance, cry, and let it be ‘ there’. Do not judge your fears and insecurities.

When we can genuinely say ‘ Thank you’, and ‘I see you’, we create real transformation within us. Do not think your lover is the cause of this pain. See it differently. Your lover is only picking up the mirror, and wants to heal you by showing you all the aspects of yourself. Sometimes we don’t want to look, but that is the only way to grow.

I write this only by knowing through experiences of my own to which the end result is loving thyself, forgiveness and seeing the other person on their journey only with LOVE and COMPASSION.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

15 Steps On How to Forgive by Master Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer was my first go-to as a Spiritual Healer. Many things occurred that left me hopeless, helpless and alone 6 years ago. I picked up one of his books, and was able to shift immediately to a better place in my mind in forgiveness.

It didn't last long. I didn't do the work. But, I devoted 1.5 years to finding ME, and allowing feelings to come, accept and let go, FOR ME.



Forgiving others is essential for spiritual growth.  Your experience of someone who has hurt you, while painful, is now nothing more that a thought or feeling that you carry around. These thoughts of resentment, anger, and hatred represent slow, debilitating energies that will dis-empower you if you continue to let these thoughts occupy space in your head. If you could release them, you would know more peace.

Below I share how to forgive someone who has hurt you in 15 steps:

Step 1: Move On to the Next Act

Your past history and all of your hurts are no longer here in your physical reality. Don’t allow them to be here in your mind, muddying your present moments. Your life is like a play with several acts. Some of the characters who enter have short roles to play, others, much larger. Some are villains and others are good guys. But all of them are necessary, otherwise they wouldn’t be in the play.Embrace them all, and move on to the next act.

Step 2: Reconnect to Spirit

Make a new agreement with yourself to always stay connected to Spirit even when it seems to be the most difficult thing to do. If you do this, you will allow whatever degree of perfect harmony that your body was designed for to proliferate. Turn your hurts over to God, and allow Spirit to flow through you.
Your new agreement with reality in which you’ve blended your physical self and your personality with your spiritual God-connected self will begin to radiate a higher energy of love and light. Wherever you go, others will experience the glow of your God consciousness, and disharmony and disorder and all manner of problems simply will not flourish in your presence. Become “an instrument of thy peace,” as St. Francis desires in the first line of his famous prayer.

Step 3: Don’t Go to Sleep Angry

Each night as I drift off to sleep, I adamantly refuse to use this precious time to review anything that I do not want to be reinforced in the hours of being immersed in my subconscious mind. I choose to impress upon my subconscious mind my conception of myself as a Divine creator in alignment with the one mind. I reiterate my I ams, which I have placed in my  imagination, and I remember that my slumber will be dominated by my last waking concept of myself. I am peaceful, I am content, I am love, and I attract only to myself those who are in alignment with my highest ideals of myself.

This is my nightly ritual, always eschewing any temptation to go over any fear of unpleasantness that my ego might be asking me to review. I assume the feeling in my body of those I am statements already fulfilled, and I know that I’m allowing myself to be programmed while asleep, for the next day I rise knowing that I am a free agent.
In sleep man impresses the subconscious mind with his conception of himself. — Neville Goddard

Step 4: Switch the Focus from Blaming Others to Understanding Yourself

Whenever you’re upset over the conduct of others, take the focus off those you’re holding responsible for your inner distress. Shift your mental energy to allowing yourself to be with whatever you’re feeling — let the experience be as it may, without blaming others for your feelings. Don’t blame yourself either! Just allow the experience to unfold and tell yourself that no one has the power to make you uneasy without your consent, and that you’re unwilling to grant that authority to this person right now.

Tell yourself that you are willing to freely experience your emotions without calling them “wrong” or needing to chase them away. In this way, you’ve made a shift to self-mastery. It’s important to bypass blame, and even to bypass your desire to understand the other person; instead, focus on understanding yourself.

By taking responsibility for how you choose to respond to anything or anyone, you’re aligning yourself with the beautiful dance of life. By changing the way you choose to perceive the power that others have over you and you will see a bright new world of unlimited potential for yourself and you will know instantly how to forgive and let go of anything.

Step 5: Avoid Telling People What to Do

Avoid thoughts and activities that involve telling people who are perfectly capable of making their own choices what to do. In your family, remember that you do not own anyone. The poet Kahlil Gibran reminds you:
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you . . .
This is always true. In fact, disregard any inclination to dominate in all of your relationships. Listen rather than expound. Pay attention to yourself when you’re having judgmental opinions and see where self-attention takes you. When you replace an ownership mentality with one of allowing, you’ll begin to see the true unfolding of the Tao in yourself and other people. From that moment on, you’ll be free of frustration with those who don’t behave according to your ego-dominated expectations.

Step 6: Learn to Let Go and Be Like Water

Rather than attempting to dominate with your forcefulness, be like water: flow everywhere there’s an opening. Soften your hard edges by being more tolerant of contrary opinions. Interfere less, and substitute listening for directing and telling. When someone offers you their viewpoint, try responding with: “I’ve never considered that before—thank you. I’ll give it some thought.”
When you give up interfering, and opt instead to stream like water—gently, softly, and unobtrusively— you become forgiveness itself.
Picture yourself as having the same qualities as water. Allow your soft, weak, yielding, fluid self to enter places where you previously were excluded because of your inclination to be solid and hard. Flow softly into the lives of those with whom you feel conflicted: Picture yourself entering their private inner selves, seeing perhaps for the first time what they’re experiencing. Keep this image of yourself as gently coursing water, and watch how your relationships change.

Step 7: Take Responsibility for Your Part

Removing blame means never assigning responsibility to anyone else for what you’re experiencing. It means that you’re willing to say, “I may not understand why I feel this way, why I have this illness, why I’ve been victimized, or why I had this accident, but I’m willing to say without any guilt or resentment that I own it. I live with, and I am responsible for, having it in my life.”

If you take responsibility for having the experience, then at least you have a chance to also take responsibility for removing it or learning from it. If you’re in some small (perhaps unknown) way responsible for that migraine headache or that depressed feeling, then you can go to work to remove it or discover what its message is for you. If, on the other hand, someone or something else is responsible in your mind, then of course you’ll have to wait until they change for you to get better. And that is unlikely to occur. So you go home with nothing and are left with nothing when peace is really on the other side of the coin.

Step 8: Let Go of Resentments

What causes annoyance and anger after a dispute? The generic response would be a laundry list detailing why the other person was wrong and how illogically and unreasonably they behaved, concluding with something like, “I have a right to be upset when my [daughter, mother-in-law, ex-husband, boss, or whomever you’re thinking of] speaks to  me that way!”

But if you’re interested in living a Tao-filled life, it’s imperative that you reverse this kind of thinking. Resentments don’t come from the conduct of the other party in an altercation—no, they survive and thrive because you’re unwilling to end that altercation with an offering of kindness, love, and authentic forgiveness. As Lao-Tzu says:
Someone must risk returning injury with kindness, or hostility will never turn to goodwill. — Lao-Tzu
So when all of the yelling, screaming, and threatening words have been expressed, the time for calm has arrived. Remember that no storm lasts forever, and that hidden within are always seeds of tranquility. There is a time for hostility and a time for peace.

Step 9: Be Kind Instead of Right

There is a Chinese proverb, If you’re going to pursue revenge, you’d better dig two graves, which is saying to me: your resentments will destroy you.

The world is just the way it is. The people who are behaving “badly” in the world are doing what they’re supposed to be doing. You can process it in any way that you choose. If you’re filled with anger about all of those “problems,” you are one more person who contributes to the pollution of anger.  Instead, remember that you have no need to make others wrong or to retaliate when you’ve been wronged.

Imagine if someone says something to you that you find offensive, and rather than opting for resentment, you learn to depersonalize what you’ve just heard and respond with kindness. You are willing to freely send the higher, faster energies of love, peace, joy, forgiveness, and kindness as your response to whatever comes your way. You do this for yourself. You would rather be kind than right.

Step 10: Practice Giving

In the midst of arguments or disagreements, practice giving rather than taking before you exit. Giving involves leaving the ego behind. While it wants to win and show its superiority by being contrary and disrespectful, your Tao nature wants to be at peace and live in harmony. You can reduce your quarreling time to almost zero if you practice this procedure:

Wherever you are, whenever you feel strong emotions stirring in you and you notice yourself  feeling the need to “be right,” silently recite the following words from the Prayer of Saint Francis:
Where there is injury, [let me bring] pardon.
Be a giver of forgiveness as he teaches: Bring love to hate, light to darkness, and pardon to injury. Read these words daily, for they’ll help you overcome your ego’s demands and know the fullness of life.

Step 11: Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended

When you live at or below ordinary levels of awareness, you spend a great deal of time and energy finding opportunities to be offended. A news report,  a rude stranger,  someone cursing, a sneeze, a black cloud —just about anything will do if you’re looking for an occasion to be offended. Become a person who refuses to be offended by any one, any thing, or any set of circumstances.

If you have enough faith in your own beliefs, you’ll find that it’s impossible to be offended by the beliefs and conduct of others.

Not being offended is a way of saying, “I have control over how I’m going to feel, and I choose to feel peaceful regardless of what I observe going on. When you feel offended, you’re practicing judgment. You judge someone else to be stupid, insensitive, rude, arrogant, inconsiderate, or foolish, and then you find yourself upset and offended by their conduct. What you may not realize is that when you judge another person, you do not define them. You define yourself as someone who needs to judge others.

Step 12: Don’t Live In the Past – Be Present

When we find it difficult to forgive, often it is because we are not living in the present, and instead, we assign more importance to the past. We assign a good portion of our energy and attention lamenting the good old days that are gone forever as the reason why we can’t be happy and fulfilled today. “Everything has changed,” “No one respects anyone else like they used to…” This is assigning responsibility to the past for why you can’t be happy today.

It’s doubtful that other creatures waste the present moment in thoughts of past and future. A beaver only does beaver, and he does it right in the moment. He doesn’t spend his days  ruminating over the fact that his beaver siblings received more attention, or his father beaver ran off with a younger beaver when he was growing up. He’s always in the now. We can learn much from God’s creatures about enjoying the present moment rather than using it up consumed with anger over the past or worry about the future. Practice living in the moment by appreciating the beauty around you now.

Step 13:  Embrace Your Dark Times

In a universe that’s an intelligent system with a divine creative force supporting it, there simply can be no accidents. As tough as it is to acknowledge, you had to go through what you went through in order to get to where you are today, and the evidence is that you did. Every spiritual advance that you will make in your life will very likely be preceded by some kind of fall or seeming disaster. Those dark times, accidents, tough episodes, break ups, periods of impoverishment, illnesses, abuses, and broken dreams were all in order. They happened, so you can assume they had to and you can’t unhappen them.
Embrace them from that perspective, and then understand them, accept them, honor them, and finally transform them.

Step 14: Refrain from Judgement

When you stop judging and simply become an observer, you will know  inner peace. With that sense of inner peace, you’ll find yourself happier and free of the negative energy of resentment. A bonus is that you’ll find that others are much more attracted to you. A peaceful person attracts peaceful energy.
If I’m to be a being of love living from my highest self, that means that love is all I have inside of me and all that I have to give away. If someone I love chooses to be something other than what my ego would prefer, I must send them the ingredients of my highest self, which is God, and God is love.
My criticism and condemnation of the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of others—regardless of how right and moral my human self convinces me it is—is a step away from God-realization. And it is God-consciousness that allows for my wishes to be fulfilled, as long as they are aligned with my Source of being. I can come up with a long list of reasons why I should be judgmental and condemnatory toward another of God’s children and why, damn it, I am right. Yet if I want to perfect my own world—and I so want to do so—then I must substitute love for these judgments.

Step 15: Send Love

I spent years studying the teachings of Patanjali, and he reminded us several thousand years ago that when we are steadfast—which means that we never slip in our abstention of thoughts of harm directed toward others—then all living creatures cease to feel enmity in our presence.
Now I know that we are all human: you, me, all of us. We do occasionally slip and retreat from our highest self into judgment, criticism, and condemnation, but this is not a rationale for choosing to practice that kind of interaction. I can only tell you that when I finally got it, and I sent only love to another of God’s children whom I had been judging and criticizing, I got the immediate result of inner contentment.
I urge you to send love in place of those judgments and criticisms to others when you feel they impede your joy and happiness, and hold them in that place of love. Notice that if you stay steadfast, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

A Meditation to End on Love

Picture yourself at the termination of a quarrel or major dispute. Rather than reacting with old patterns of residual anger, revenge, and hurt, visualize offering kindness, love, and forgiveness.

Do this right now by sending out these “true virtue” thoughts to any resentments you’re currently carrying. Make this your standard response to any future altercations:

 I end on love, no matter what!