Monday, February 17, 2014

So Many Messages...

I read through a free paper called aznetnews, holistic alternative medicine and healing.

There were articles that I resonated with on every page, or that I could share with people  who may benefit from it.

Just a few topics such as Heart Based living,  Belief in Self Fosters Creativity, Overcoming Health runaround...medical and natural, and more...

Some key tips on how easy it can be to stau positive in the most challenging of situations

WHAT CAN NEGATIVELY AFFECT YOU HEALTH? Negativity! If you currently are experiencing symptoms of disease, some small things that meds can make you feel better...


Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Humanitarian Gift to our Future Children of the World

Today confirms the goals amd mission to STOP THE ABUSE BEFORE IT IS PASSED ON. I commit to all future children under ten, including the unborn, to help as many as I can, keep the peace and happiness they were born with, pure beings of light and grace and power beyond their knowing.



Verbal abuse against children comes from many directions. Children can be verbally abused by parents, teachers, other adults or other children through bullying, individually or in groups. Whoever the source, it is a misconception to assume that the child is able to ignore abuse and go about his business unaffected. The most destructive aspect of verbal abuse for children is that it can continue without being detected while the child suffers. Emotional and psychological abuse scars can

last a lifetime.....

Power Imbalance & Loss of Trust

An actual or imagined power imbalance is the most common aspect of verbal abuse. Children are dependent on most adults with whom they come into contact. They are naturally dependent on their parents, teachers and other adults to supply their needs. Children are vulnerable as the less powerful individual in relationships with adults. When a child is abused by an adult, she learns not to trust those who are supposed to provide her needs and protect her. When abuse continues,

...mistrust is generalized to others. The child may come to expect abuse and develop passive behavior patterns. 

Power Imbalance & Loss of Trust

An actual or imagined power imbalance is the most common aspect of verbal abuse. Children are dependent on most adults with whom they come into contact. They are naturally dependent on their parents, teachers and other adults to supply their needs. Children are vulnerable as the less powerful individual in relationships with adults. When a child is abused by an adult, she learns not to trust those who are supposed to provide her needs and protect her. When abuse continues,

... mistrust is generalized to others. The child may come to expect abuse and develop passive behavior patterns. 

Aggressive Tendencies

Some verbally abused children develop aggressive tendencies, emulating the behavior of their abusers and becoming bullies themselves.

Such children may engage in delinquent behavior, antisocial activities, and become perpetrators of domestic violence.

*******They may turn their anger inward, becoming self destructive.and engage in substance abuse. It is well known among substance abuse treatment professionals that most female substance abusers were verbally, sexually or otherwise abused as children; and that many male substance abusers were also verbally abused as children. It is also well observed by substance abuse treatment professionals...*************

Delayed Development

The Parents Zone, an Internet community education publication, reports delayed development as the most prominent effect of verbal abuse on children. The publication states that verbally abused children develop slowly in all areas, including physically, socially, emotionally and academically. Verbally abused children continue to experience problems in interpersonal relationships and tend to fall behind in career development as they become young adults. Many eventually develop mental disorders and become depressed or anxious.


Verbal abuse is more difficult to detect than physical abuse, but has long-term effects that are every bit as destructive.

****Mandatory reporting laws are in affect for teachers, counselors and others who might detect problems in mistreated children, but all too often suspicion of verbal abuse is not taken seriously. ,************Teachers and other professionals should be encouraged to teach parents and children about the destructiveness of verbal abuse and encourage assertive behaviors in children that stop it from happening. Anti-bullying programs are in effect in many grade schools.

Malingnant Narcissistic Behavior-ALLOWED BUT CUT OFF!!

The pain I allowed myself to feel...horrible. But, it is important to recognize what it was so as on your path boundaries set and you can choose to block it from even entering your energy space...

More on the type of person I blamed...

To play the game, I had to believe that he was at least a bit superior to me. His ability to “control his emotions” made him feel more secure in the relationship. My demonstrations of a lack of emotional control fed his ego, drove the beast back inside of him, and ultimately kept me safer than acting like a sane person would have.

"The batterer is controlling; he insists on having the last word in arguments and decision-making,
he may control how the family's money is spent, and he may make rules for the victim about her movements and personal contacts,
such as forbidding her to use the telephone or to see certain friends. Or, make you feel guilty or pout because you dont want to be with him???

He is manipulative; he misleads people inside and outside of the family about his abusiveness, GREAT SALESMAN...

he twists arguments around to make other people feel at fault,
and he turns into a sweet, sensitive person for extended periods of time when he feels that it is in his best interest to do so.

His public image usually contrasts sharply with the private reality. He is entitled; he considers himself to have special rights and privileges not applicable to other family members.

He believes that his needs should be at the center of the family's agenda, and that everyone should focus on keeping him happy.

He usually believes that housework and childcare should be done for him, and that any contributions he makes to those efforts should earn him special appreciation and deference.

He is highly demanding.He is disrespectful; he considers his partner less competent, sensitive, and intelligent than he is, often treating her as though she were an inanimate object.

He communicates his sense of superiority around the house in various ways.

The unifying principle is his attitude of ownership. The batterer believes that once you are in a committed relationship with him, you belong to him.

This possessiveness in batterers is the reason why women are mentally broken down so much, and finally attempt to leave the relationship; a batterer does not believe that his partner has the right to end a relationship until he is ready to end it. So, he will stop at nothing to.make it EXTREMELY hard to do.

Because of the distorted perceptions that the abuser has of rights and responsibilities in relationships, he considers himself to be the victim. Acts of self-defense on the part of the battered woman or the children, or efforts they make to stand up for their rights, he defines as aggression against him.

He is often highly skilled at twisting his descriptions of events to create the convincing impression that he has been victimized.

He thus accumulates grievances over the course of the relationship to the same extent that the victim does, which can lead professionals to decide that the members of the couple "abuse each other" and that the relationship has been 'mutually hurtful."It seems that CONTROL is the goal. And so it is.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WAS... A Victim, Now... A Survivor

A victim of allowing myself zero boundaries most.of the time, which allowed it all to be "o.k."

Life's too short to carry all that anger into a beautifully present day.

Always have to remember...compassion and forgiveness needs to be something you are at peace with as soon as possible.

Healing relies highly on your ability to forgive, and dump all hurt and hate out the.door.

Everyone has their personal battles.

Using them against them to make them feel weak is not human compassion...

#loving #living with

Eyes .  Wide. Open.

Remember Compassion?? Even to Assholes???

I love Sean...
Find his videos on YouTube as well.

He simply Rocks!!! he says. In the video below..every a$$hole you meet needs your compassion. Why? We are ALL fighting a battle within.

Everyone ..different issues, and once they define what those are, they take the time, at different paces, different methods in which to heal them. The ways they know WORK FOR THEM.

SO BE KIND, try to hold off on knowing what the best ways are for them to heal. stick with your program and someday the need for sociological general healing that fits everyone in the box will pass, as we all "transform" down our own paths our own way, pace, and without judgements from others either.

Please watch this, and all of Sean's down to earth, scientific truthful podcasts exposing our mind/body/spirit connect.



Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Human Compassion - Can You feel it???


We have forgotten. Forgotten we are all One. We have created the delusion of separateness...

But, it is something that you feel immediately, in your heart, when you can really feel the hurt of another, their pain, cry for help without words...RIGHT???

Without having a damn selfish thought ever cross your mind simultaneously...

How can we allow others to suffer, for the sake of...what? Too hard to.reach out and open a door, offer a dollar, buy a meal, take time out of YOUR DAY to help another without expecting anything in return? just me, but I have been hurting to the point of painful body aches and anguish, my mind cannot take anymore, I have had the worst day I thought possible... yet without even a thought, it will make my day - and possibly another, to smile and open a door for someone.

THAT WAS TODAY. Whether gratitude was shared back or not, my compassion was not expected in return!

It brings me JOY to give my last dollar, a moment of gratitude, a coupon to save someone on their food bill, run and give a stranger something they left.behind, offer my assistance when overheard that maybe I could help.
It gives me hope that it can trigger another to

RE-member ...

because I FEEL you?

