Thursday, March 27, 2014

Emotional and Verbal Attack Damage to the Brain

It wasn’t that long ago that most neuroscientists thought we were born with most all of the neurons we’d ever have. While we might gain a few more during childhood, they believed that after that, all we could look forward to was the death of brain cells. Now we know differently. We are aware of neurogenesis, a process whereby new neurons are birthed in a part of the brain known as the hippocampus.

The hippocampus is part of the limbic system--also known as the "emotional brain." Why? Well, because it controls most of the involuntary aspects of emotional behavior that are related to survival. These include feelings that fall into the painful category such as fear and anger, as well as more pleasurable such as affection. Furthermore, the hippocampus is involved in the processes of learning and memory.

The fact that is such a thing as neurogenesis is the good news. But there is also some bad news to share if you are living in a toxic environment filled with your partner’s narcissism, addictions, and abuse.

I probably don’t have to tell you that when you’re living with a narcissistic man who engages in verbal abuse and emotional abuse regularly, that your life is stressful. You might also find yourself ridden with anxiety and feeling depressed as you strive to deal with all you face. We now know, through magnetic resonance imaging, that stress-related disorders such as recurrent depressive illness, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Cushing's disease are all associated with atrophy of the hippocampus. Furthermore, stress appears to decrease capacity for production of new neurons, too.

The hippocampus is involved with memory. While it participates in verbal memory, it plays a particularly important in the memory of "context," or the time and place of events that have a strong emotional bias. Memories associated with strong emotions--such as fear—are marked in such a way that the memory retains its vividness in a very persistent way. This is what happens in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

We typically associate PTSD with soldiers who have been in a combat zone. But women who’ve been in abusive relationships can suffer from PTSD as well. Like those former soldiers, they will often end up having brains that are hyper-vigilant, In other words, the brain is always scanning the environment for patterns similar to those in the memories associated with those strong emotions. This is the way this part of the brain is striving to ensure the individual’s survival. But it becomes overreact or responds to things that are not dangerous. The situation does not truly call for a fight or flight response that the brain ends up triggering.

You might believe that whatever it is that your senses take in, that the stimuli is first delivered to the part of your brain that is most rational. Then, once it is there, it is logically evaluated. As a result, the brain triggers a reasonable or appropriate reaction for the situation. In other words, you might consciously choose to engage in fight or flight behavior because your safety is threatened and this type of immediate action is required. Then again, if this rational part of the brain realizes that the pattern might have spelled danger in the past, but there is no imminent danger this time around, your body won’t react with the fight or flight reaction. However, it doesn’t always work this way. Instead, that more rational part of the brain is bypassed so that the automatic fight or flight reaction is triggered. Only after this has happened will the more rational part of the brain have an opportunity to decide, through conscious choice, what is a reaction truly appropriate to the situation.

Some have referred to this type of event, where the more primitive part of the brain is initially triggered versus the more rational part of the brain instead, as a hijacking of the brain. And in truth, this hijacking of the brain is most apt to occur in people who’ve experienced traumatic events in their lives. And remember, when you are being constantly abused by a narcissist spouse, you are ensuring ongoing trauma.

The trauma of the verbal abuse and the other forms of abuse you suffer may also result in cognitive impairment or memory problems. In fact, when I was married to an abusive narcissist and suffering the onslaught of his regular verbal abuse and emotional abuse, I know I suffered a decline in my cognitive abilities. I not only had more difficulty remembering things, but I also found it challenging to talk in complete sentences. Certainly, it was the worst around him. Was that because I was fearful of stating a complete idea because I knew he’d likely attack it as soon as I’d spoken it? Perhaps that had something to do with it. Nonetheless, I came to realize that this happened more often than just when I was with him. It came to occur when I was with caring friends, too.

I didn’t realize at the time that I was living in an environment that was resulting in the death of neurons and, of course, ensuring that new ones weren’t developed through the process of neurogenesis, either. Fortunately I did maintain enough cognitive functioning to realize that this was indeed a toxic environment in which to live and furthermore, things were probably going to continue to grow worse rather than better. I felt the environment was destroying my spirit and strangling my soul. I didn’t know to be concerned about the well-being of my brain. But then, we didn’t know about all this at that time, either.

Hopefully, you will be willing to acknowledge if you are living in an environment that is likely causing harm to your brain. This might not be a pleasant reality to have to face and accept. However, since many people won’t change until they’re awakened by something rather traumatic, perhaps realizing how you’re causing your brain to deteriorate just might be the wake-up call you need, don’t you imagine?

 The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Relationship today. It has been designated one of the "Best Books of 2009" by theLibrary Journal.


The verbal, psychological, and emotional abuse, control manipulation all my life, that I allowed myself to endure were bad. Really bad.

But the things I’ve allowed to change in my mind and heart because of it are horrid beyond words today...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Allowing Another Your Power

Are You Abusive to Yourself?
Have you ALLOWED this behavior to occur?
Often we allow people into our lives who treat us as we expect to be treated. If we feel contempt for ourselves or think very little of ourselves, we may pick partners or significant others who reflect this image back to us.
Because we allow it. You are giving up your power to another.
If you are one who likes to barrage another,  or a recipient of constant verbal attacks, you may want to consider how you treat yourself.
What sorts of things do you say to yourself? Do thoughts such as “I’m stupid” or “I never do anything right” dominate your thinking? Learning to love and care for ourselves increases self-esteem and makes it more likely that we will have healthy, intimate relationships.
Typically self-esteem burns at both ends of this situation.
If you have been involved in emotionally abusive relationships, you may not have a clear idea of what a healthy relationship is like. I didn't. I devalued myself by allowing some of these things to continually repeat, even know I knew they weren't right, and hurtful.
It showed me that the lack of respect for MY needs were not taken into consideration, only the other was in an Ego state that made the inner struggles and need for me to be separate from the relationship to work on ME even more difficult.
What did that create? In seeking their "approval" and receiving only rebuttal as they consider only themselves and the void it will create in their life, I withdrew in a further state of confusion by staying. The tension that unfolded due to the unhappiness to do what I wanted to do, in an environment that kept me trapped that ultimately became toxic.
Consider these rights: (EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW)
  • The right to good will from the other. SINCERE good will.  Not just words. Mean it from the heart, or do not wish it at all.
  • The right to emotional support. What do they need? Asking, vs. assuming your version of emotional support is what they need is a presumption. Communication is key.
  • The right to be heard by the other and to be responded to with courtesy.
  • The right to distance yourself from the person to heal from issues you are still allowing into your presence. Without this support, and the guilt I allowed them to bestow upon me from them feeling rejected, not understanding that working on Self is a personal thing, can make the work on self a difficult one. An  environment that is a place that gives you a feeling of intimidation, vulnerability, guilt and unsupportive negative energy is no place to heal. 
  • The right to have your own view, even if your partner has a different view. And the respect of that opinion, without making fun of, cutting down or demeaning it.
  • The right to have your feelings and experience acknowledged as real. ***THIS IS IMPORTANT YOU DO NOT DEMEAN YOUR OWN VALUES AND BOUNDARIES***
  • The right to receive a sincere apology for any jokes you may find offensive. What is funny to one is usually a jab disguised as a joke. It is called being respectful and taking responsibility for the truth that YOU ARE NOT JUST JOKING. 
  • The right to clear and informative answers to questions that concern ONLY what is legitimately your business. That means, if it doesn't concern you, let it go. Pursuing an answer to satisfy the Egos need, is disguised as caring or concern of another. It is anything but that. The motives are usually with agenda of being nosy, jealous and insecure. They  feel they have a "right" to that respect. Just because you are in a relationship, does not automatically give you the assumption that the person is no longer an individual. Not every where they go, or what they do is REQUIRED to be communicated to you.  If you call this a request  "respect" you deserve,  what it really is instead is a self-gratifying, jealous, insecure demand that will surely push that person away.
  • The right to live free from accusation and blame. Entrapment is is a way into accusing, which is deceitful. It is insecure presumptions that will cause total havock. The other person's defense is pointless - there is already judgment and assumptions there.
  • The right to live free from criticism and judgment. You choose whether it is Constructive Criticism or not. If so, own it. If not, nothing needs to be said.  
  • The right to have your work and your interests spoken of with respect. ALWAYS. You are in a relationship, but are an individual, too. Your opinions do not matter unless asked for.
  • The right to encouragement. With sincerety, not because it will benefit you. Even if it is something that causes jealousy (which this is again an EGO state) be geniuinely HAPPY for the person - sarcasm has no place here. There's a difference...
  • The right to live free from emotional and physical threat. Of your belongings, denying things that are everyday basic needs, or things they know you cannot do without. Physical attacks are another story, and just as bad. BUT, WHEN YOU ALLOW IT ONCE, YOU HAVE SET THE STAGE THAT WILL ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN THE FUTURE.
  • The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage. For voicing your stance, disagreement, opinions, you're allowed communication that is two way and agreements made together. When you have to fight to be heard, then experience rage from another, it is unhealthy.
  • The right to be called by no name that devalues you.
  • The right to be respectfully asked rather than ordered. It is demeaning and only devalues the person that believes threats are the way to achieve THEIR NEEDS.
If we are willing to tolerate negative treatment from others, the outcome is that we end up treating  others in negative ways as there is a constant battle to defend oneself. When it becomes too much and overwhelming, we start to believe that we are the things we are told, then end up treating ourselves similarly. Our goals, motivation to live and coping becomes unbearable. The guilt of what we allowed to happen to us is a much bigger hole to get out of  than if it had not tolerated it in the first place.



Monday, March 24, 2014

Manipulative Controlling Behavior Tactics


I Wanted to share some very suttle tactics that eventually lead  to more evident and frequent behaviors that occurs on a daily basis.

- Controlling sleep habits (ie, deliberately interrupting sleep with loud noises, shaking one awake). wanting to have conversations at odd hours of the night

- Controlling email, social media, texts, etc. or making references  or comments about or to partner/spouse using these vehicles

These controlling behaviors, without laying a violent hand on someone, are not about "courtesy, decency, kindness or civility." They are learned behaviors by disturbed people designed to control the people in their lives. In my personal experience, these activities were far more abusive than the physical violence in either home. Watching one parent stand over the other while they cooked, ate, spoke on the phone, slept - the emotional impact is traumatic and abusive. On everyone in the home.


Structural, crippling emotional abuse should be a criminal offense
and thus should be punished as such. If you strip a person of their sense of worth and degrade them to the point that they unrealistically feel that they can't stand on their own, how can that NOT be abuse? It takes a toll, over years of repeating to  mentally break down a person to the point of feeling nothing at all.

These are unpleasant memories I've allowed myself to remember and be experienced again as if they just happened today.  Releasing them and letting  go of them for good is so important in the healing process...

Emotional abuse is a difficult  experience to go through, yet  rarely women  stand up to defend themselves against or go forth to pursue in court. Proving it is as hard as the attacks themselves.

A black eye is difficult to look past and a shattered sense of self by the words and acts of another...

Honor Thyself

This has probably been the toughest task to follow through on. Because I've never done it. Ever. Because I haven't been able to, it's got me where I am today. This is not where I am meant to be not will I choose to stay.

The past week I have been doing just that, a futile attempt at least.  I'm tired of staying stagnant, and must stick to being selfish, or desire the deep need to honor myself. Right now, my learned behaviors are not acceptable to me, and need to be re-written so that I do know when to honor myself at the right moments when faced in similar situations. 


When you lie to yourself, or others about what your need, want,like or do,not like, is like having bacteria fungis.

You then become polluted by fungis.of dishonoring yourself, and difficulty to speak up FOR yourself becomes elevated, devalued, analyzed, twisted around....


Nothing else can matter.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Emotional Pain –To Heal It We Need To Acknowledge It

Acknowledging emotional pain may seem like an obvious step in the healing process that everyone is already doing. If you’re in pain, you already know it, right?Not always.

Many of us have a surprising amount of emotional trauma in our energy field that lies below our conscious awareness. In some cases we might be aware of some of the symptoms of an energetic wound within us, but we are unconscious of its deeper CAUSE – a core place of constriction where Life Force isblocked. The effects of this blockage can range from uncomfortable feelings of mild emotional pain at one end of the spectrum to severely debilitating physical and/or mental dis-ease at the more serious end of the spectrum.It is common for us to become practiced at denial of emotional pain in order to function in our lives.

Unconsciously we have learned how to keep the pain at bay so we can “do” our daily lives with some kind of balance. Often, the energetic imbalance within us actually causes us to create more imbalance as an attempt to gain equilibrium. And our only awareness of this might be a sense of feeling “off” or living our lives with limited inner resources, constantly looking for something outside ourselves to “fix” us.

In order to heal emotional pain, we need to invite it up into our conscious awareness. We need tocare enough about ourselves to spend time with ourselves, looking within and truly BEING with ourselves. Doing this we find an infinite Source of emotional support and wellbeing that is always available to us from within.

Traumatic Experiences and HEALING.

The traumatic experiences that result in the most damaged, negative belief filled programming in an individual's subconscious mind  are prolonged and repeated, sometimes extending over years of a person's life.


Made prolonged stressors,  deliberately inflicted by people, are far harder to bear than accidents or natural disasters. Most people who seek mental health treatment for trauma have been victims of violently inflicted wounds dealt by a person.

If this was done deliberately, in the context of an ongoing relationship, the problems are increased. The worst situation is when the injury is caused deliberately in a relationship with a person on whom the victim is dependent---most specifically a  parent-child relationship or partner/spouse.

This can take anywhere from a month to years to heal at the Subconscious level, depending.on his severe and prolonged the emotional and/or verbal attacks occured.

Programmed negative beliefs must.go through several sessions of hypnosis/psycho therapy, EFT, or other methods that tap into the Subconscious to reprogram new beliefs which replace the old.


What can and is being repaired...

Power of the Subconscious Mind

10 Rules Of The Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious mind exerts a powerful influence over our lives. It preserves and runs the body. It stores and organizes memories, emotions, and energy. It controls and maintains all of our perceptions.

Over 95% of what we do, think, and say comes from old programming in our subconscious mind.

Unless you make a conscious effort to direct the immense power of your subconscious, its robotic and limited programs will run your life. It will sabotage your best intentions. And yet, it's not difficult to work with the subconscious. You just have to know what you're doing.

Here are ten facts you should know about the subconscious mind:

1. Despite its power, the subconscious is a servant of the conscious mind. It follows orders by acting on whatever is fed to it. It cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. It has no sense of humor and takes everything very literally. Your conscious mind is the gate-keeper. For personal power, you must be aware of what you are allowing into the subconscious. And you can intentionally program it to manifest what you want in life.

2. *****The subconscious mind responds with instinct and habit. As thinking and behavioral patterns deepen, they become habits and >>>>they become harder and harder to change.<<<<<

3. Use repetition, authority, and emotion to program the subconscious. Affirm and visualize often what you desire. Be strong, willful and in command. Draw on your passion and emotional power to affirm what you want, as emotions have a very strong impact on the subconscious mind.

4. The subconscious mind does not process negatives. For this reason, all affirmations and statements must be positive. Do not say, "I will not gain weight." The 'not' is not recorded. The subconscious mind only hears, "I will gain weight."

5. The subconscious represses memories with unresolved negative emotions. The memories will get buried, yet the beliefs and feelings associated with them will still control your reactions. This is why it is important to become aware of and resolve strong guilt, resentment, fears, anger, and depression.

6. The subconscious mind works with symbols and metaphors. Watch your dreams closely for symbols that will offer clues to underlying issues that need to be resolved.

7. It takes everything personally. It keeps a photocopy of everything. Whenever you criticize, resent, judge, and project negative thoughts and feelings onto others, you experience the negativity as your own.

8. The subconscious works on the principle of least effort. It follows the path of least resistance. Without purposeful direction from our conscious mind, it follows the easiest, usually more negative path of our engrained habits.

9. It has a need to be moral. The subconscious mind is also the source of a higher aspect of yourself. This God force, Soul energy, or whatever you want to call it supports your evolution towards love, unity, beauty and truth. Consciously working with the subconscious opens us to higher levels of wisdom and love.

10. It knows only the present time. There is no future or past in the subconscious mind. All stored experiences are processed as NOW. Know that the past affects you NOW, as the subconscious replays past programming in the present. So affirm in the now, not in the future.

------>>>>And understand that you have the power right now to re-write sabotaging programs from the past so you can claim a better future.<-------  

When you choose to understand the workings of your own mind and choose to exercise control over the functions and attributes of your own mind, you will be empowered to create your own reality, to be completely self-reliant and totally prosperous. You can have the life you really desire. #truth