Friday, June 5, 2015


The Mirror of Perception

Every person and situation in our lives is a mirror. They reflect to us our perception of Reality, and the bigger picture of what we are trying to Learn about Self.  This means what we love or hate or fear “out there”, or in another, is what we really love or hate or fear withIN. We wouldn’t know hate and/or fear  if we didn’t have it in our possession, withIN.
Healing the Trauma Drama - The Mirror of Perception

The Only Way Out is Through

We learn, for the most part, that “God” resides somewhere outside of ourselves, dictating our Lives in some way, shape or form. But as we evolve, our preconceived ideas of what that means are  literally being turned upside-down.  We are seeing  that we are the “God” of our own individual Universe, the Divine creators of our own Reality, shaped by our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual bodies. We are realizing that “God” is  our Higher Self  – our connectedness –  and  putting our Trust and Faith into this realization. From here, we can see that the drama of our trauma doesn’t have to be so dramatic after all, as it’s leading us to the ultimate prize of release, letting go  –  Acceptance.
The most important thing to remember about dealing with trauma is that, at a fundamental level, we are searching for a way to have our Emotional needs met, in order to move on. We are ultimately trying to find a Safe emotional space where we can be  comfortable with our experience and  our  emotions, and feel comfortable expressing them.
While we are in this process we must  keep in mind that our emotional needs aren’t “unhealthy”  – they are a Truth of this Reality –  but  we may be avoiding them, or trying to meet them in an “unhealthy” (and unsatisfying) way by doing harm to Self or others. This is a very common theme;  we  project these emotional needs onto others and expect them to fulfil us…  which is, of course, quite impossible. It just  sets us (and them) up for “failure”,  which causes us (and them) to be traumatized all over again.  The people in our lives  can only provide  a Loving support system while  we work through our emotions.
Ultimately, Self is the only one who is experiencing Self’s emotions, so  in order to Heal we must meet our OWN emotional needs. As we put our Trust and Faith in our Higher Self,  we can begin to work with the damage and confusion on a more Spiritual level, which brings significantly more accessible results. When we begin to look withIN, we  can begin to be Honest with ourselves about our emotional needs  and how these needs effect our Lives in the bigger picture.
In order to transcend the negativity we perceive “out there” we have to Love it into submission, right “in here”. Our  seemingly negative emotions reflect  an absence of  the energy of Love, so  in order to rid ourselves of them, we must LOVE them,  shining a light on the Shadows within From there, we begin to forget the negativity surrounding our trauma and can approach it from either a Loving standpoint or, even better, we can get to a place where we no longer put energy into it at ALL, as we (finally) move forward.
It takes great commitment and courage to face what one truly hates and/or fears  withIN. These feelings are extremely uncomfortable.  The illusion tells us that we are incomplete, fragmented, or broken but the Truth is that we can never be these things in Spirit. It’s only our judgment that tells us our emotions are “wrong”.
But it’s from this place of great vulnerability that we find our greatest Strength.  Heaven is a mindset and a way of BEing, rather than  a place or an emotion that can be met by another. When we stop  repeating our cycles of emotional trauma and  projecting  our emotions outwardly, we stop  doing harm to ourselves and others, and create  peace and safety withIN ourselves.
When we fill our Shadows with light, they  all but disappear.  
Embracing a  process of Healing  opens up an  emotional vastness that covers all ends of the spiritual and emotional spectrum. This is where we really begin to heal from the pain and trauma caused by this Reality. By understanding and  Loving  our entire spiritual and emotional body, we are able to Connect with Self and others in a most profound and expansive way. The Gift, and what makes it worth the process, is our own personal brand of Heaven that comes from withIN and then transforms our reality (without).

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